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[1] - Dosage simultané du calcium et du magnésium par mesure des indices de réfraction de solution 
aqueuse. L. Mazzuoli - Revue de Chimie Minérale, 4, 505, 1967 

[2] - Extraction de l'acide thiocyanique par la méthylisobutylcétone indicatrice d'une dimérisation des 
ions thiocyanate en phase aqueuse. L. Schriver-Mazzuoli - C.R. Acad. Sei. Paris, 270 (C), 1592, 1970 

[3] - Etude de la solubilité de l'eau dans la méthylisobutylcétone lors de l'extraction de l'acide 
thiocyanique. L. Schriver-Mazzuoli c.n. Acad. Sei. Paris, 273 (C), 143, 1971 

[4] - Le complexe de zirconium IV, son utilisation comme indicateur de thiocyanate ou de zirconium IV 
libre. S. Tribalat, L. Schriver-Mazzuoli - C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 274 (C), 849, 1972 

[5] - Dimérisation des ions thiocyanates. Influence de la concentration des ions thiocyanates sur 
l'extraction de l'acide thiocyanique par la méthylisobutylcétone (calcul de la constante de l'équilibre de 
dimérisation) . L. Schriver-Mazzuoli - Bull. Soc. Chim. Fr., 6, 1882, 1973 

[6] - Dimérisation des ions thiocyanates, influence de l'acidité. L. Schriver-Mazzuoli Bull. Soc. Chim. Fr., 6, 1884, 1973 

[7] - Etude par spectroscopie infrarouge des associations moléculaires entre l'acide thiocyanique, l'eau 
et la méthylisobutylcétone. Application à l'extraction de l'acide thiocyanique. L. Schriver-Mazzuoli -

1. Chim. Phys., 10, 1463,1973 

[8] - Etude des ions monomères du zirconium IV et du hafnium IV en solution aqueuse par extraction 
liquide-liquide. S. Tribalat, L. Schriver-Mazzuoli - c.n. Acad. Sei. Paris, 279 (C), 443, 1974 

[9] - Etude de quelques complexes de zirconium IV et de hafnium IV au moyen de l'extraction des β 
isopropyltropolonates par le chloroforme. S. Tribalat, L. Schriver-Mazzuoli - J. Inorg. Nucl. Chem., 38, 145, 1975 


[10] - Polymérisation du zirconium IV en solution aqueuse acide. - S. Tribalat, L. Schriver-Mazzuoli  

Bull. Soc. Chim. Fr., 9, 2012, 1975 

[Il] - Séparation des radionucléides 95Zr et 95Nb par extraction liquide-liquide en présence de β isopropyltropolone.

L. Schriver-Mazzuoli - Analytica Chimica Acta, 80, 381, 1975 

[12] - Etude des équilibres d'extraction des thiocyanates de zirconrum et de hafuium par la 
méthylisobutylcétone.  L. Schriver-Mazzuoli  Ann. Chim., 10,327, 1975 

[13] - Effet des cations alcalins et pseudoalcalins sur quelques équilibres et en particulier sur l'équilibre 
d'extraction de l'acide thiocyanique. L. Schriver-Mazzuoli  - Canad. J. Chem., 54, 19, 1975 

[14] - Etude par spectroscopie infrarouge du perfluorotertiobutanol en solution diluée dans des solvants 
halogénés: mise en évidence de plusieurs types d'interactions spécifiques dus à I'anisotropie du solvant. 
L. Schriver-Mazzuoli, A. Bumeau  - J. Chim. Phys., 78, 723, 1976 

[15] - Rhénium et Technetium.  Complément au nouveau traité de chimie générale du Professeur Pascal, tome 10, 1978, Masson, Paris  S. Tribalat, L. Schriver-Mazzuoli, M.L. Yungfleish 

[16] - Proton transfer between hydrogen halides and dimethyl ether in nitrogen matrices, an example of 
infrared induced transfer. L. Schriver-Mazzuoli, A. Loutellier, A. Bumeau - Chem. Phys. Letters, 60, 471, 1979 

[17] - Comparison of the stretching band profiles for hydrogen bonded complexes in matrices and 
solutions. A. Bumeau, A. Loutellier, L. Schriver-Mazzuoli - J. Mol. Struct., 61, 397, 1980 

[18] - Matrix isolation of dimethylether hydracid complexes 1- Interactions involving hydroiodic acid in 
nitrogen matrices. A. Loutellier, L. Schriver-Mazzuoli, A. Bumeau, J.P. Perchard - J. Mol. Struct., 82, 165. 1982 

[19] - Infrared spectrum of the methanol dimer in matrices. Evidence for multiple open chain structure 
in solid nitrogen from temperature and irradiation effects.  L. Schriver-Mazzuoli, A. Burneau, J.P. Perchard 

1. Chem. Phys., 77, 4926, 1982 

[20] - Hydracids dimethyl ether interactions in matrices II- IR spectral properties of (ClH)n- 
dimethylether complexes with n=l, 2, 3. - L. Schriver-Mazzuoli, A. Loutellier, A. Bumeau, J.P. Perchard 
1. Mol. Struct .• 92. 37, 1982 


[21] - Spectroscopy evidence for proton transfer within the bimolecular complex HI-NH3 trapped in 
cryogenie matrices. L. Schriver-Mazzuoli, A. Schriver, J. P. Perchard - J. Am. Chem. Soc., 105,3843, 1983 

ina nitrogen matrix. L. Schriver-Mazzuoli, A. Schriver, J.P. Perchard - 1. Chem. Phys., 84, 5553, 1986 

[3[22] - Isomerization of allyl alcohol in solid argon by infrared irradiation: evidence for RRKM behavior. 
S. Racine, A. Schriver, L. Schriver-Mazzuoli, J.P. Perchard  - J. Mol. Struct., 118, 197, 1984 

[23] - Etude par spectroscopie vibrationnelle de la solvatation de l'eau par des bases organiques en 
matrices. 1- Complexes formés avec l'ether diméthylique. Relation avec la structure du trimère d'eau. 

L. Schriver-Mazzuoli, A. Bumeau, J.P. Perchard - J. Chim. Phys., 82, 9, 1985 

[24] - Etude par spectroscopie vibrationnelle de la solvatation de l'eau par des bases organiques en 
matrices. 1- Complexes formés avec I'acétonitrile. Comparaison avec les résultats obtenus en solution 
liquide ternaire. - A. Burneau, L. Schriver-Mazzuoli, L. Manceron, J.P. Perchard  -J. Chim. Phys., 82, 19, 1985 

[25] - Infrared spectroscopie study of intermolecular effects on the conformational isomerism of 
monomer and dimer perfluoro-t-butyl alcohol in mixed matrices. L. Schriver-Mazzuoli, A. Burneau 

Tr.ans.Far. Soc. ll,8l,503, 1985 

[26] - Infrared matrix isolation of the molecular complexes between acetonitrile and hydrogen halides. 
Evidence for reactivity differences within halides serie. L. Schriver-Mazzuoli, A. Schriver, J.P. Perchard 

J. Chem. Soc. Far. Trans., 2,81, 1407, 1985 

[27] - Infrared matrix isolation study of the hydrogen bonded complexes between ethylene oxide and 
three hydrogen halides. P. Bernadet, L. Schriver-Mazzuoli 1. Mol. Struct., 130, 143, 1985 

[28] - Infrared induced conformer interconversion process for allylamine in argon matrices: wavelength 
dependence on the kinetics. A. Schriver, S. Racine, L. Schriver-Mazzuoli - Chem. Phys., 100,377, 1985 

[29] - Infrared photodissociation of CH3CN:HI  hydrogen bonded one to one complex trapped in a nitrogen matrix – L.Schriver-Mazzuoli, A.Schriver, J.P.Perchard J.Chem. Phys, 84, 5553, 1986

30] - An infrared study of Hl polymers trapped in nitrogen.matrix J.P. Perchard, A. Schriver, L. Schriver-Mazzuoli 

J. Mol. Struct., 156, 75, 1987 

[31] - Comparison of the proton and deuteron transfer in the hydrogen (deuterium) iodide-ammoniac or 
trimethylamine system trapped in argon and nitrogen.  - L. Schriver-Mazzuoli 

Spectrochimica Acta., part ~ 9, 1155, 1987 

[32] - Matrix isolation spectroscopy of low stoichiometry complexes between water and sulfur dioxide. 
A. Schriver, L. Schriver-Mazzuoli, J.P. Perchard - Berichte Bunsengesch. 257, 1987 

[33] -Infrared photodissociation of H20:ID complex trapped in solid nitrogen. Comparison with the CH3CN:ID complex. 

L. Schriver-Mazzuoli, A. Schriver, Y. Hannachi, J.P. Perchard - Berichte Bunsengesch. 261, 1987 

[34] - Infrared matrix isolation studies of complexes between water and sulfur dioxide. Identification 
and structure of the 1: 1, 1:2 and 2: 1 species. - A. Schriver,L. Schriver-Mazzuoli, J.P Perchard 
J. Mol. Spectrosc., 127, 125, 1988 

[35] - Infrared study of the interconversion between two forms of CH3CN:HI complex trapped in solid 
argon. - L. Schriver-Mazzuoli, A. Schriver, S. Racine, LP. Perchard  - Chem. Phys., 119,95, 1988 

[36] - Infrared photodissociation of hydrogen bonded complexes trapped in inert matrices. The ethylene oxyde-hydrogen iodide system. P. Bemadet, L. Schriver-Mazzuoli, A. Schriver, J.P. Perchard  - J. Phys. Chem., 92, 7204, 1988 

[37] - Infrared matrix isolation studies of photochemical processes of atmospheric interest within water, 
S02 and ozone aggregates.  A. Schriver, L. Schriver-Mazzuoli, C. Barreau, D. Carrere, J.P. Perchard, K. Jaeger, O. Schrems 
Proceedings of the international ozone symposium, 1988, Deepack Hampton VA (USA) 

[38] - Infrared photodissociation of hydrogen bonded complexes trapped in inert matrices. The water- 
hydrogen iodide system.  Y. Hannachi, L. Schriver-Mazzuoli, A. Schriver, lP. Perchard  - Chem. Phys., 135, 1285, 1989 

[39] - Infrared isolation of hydrogen bonded complexes between acetone and hydrogen iodide. 

Irradiation and temperature effects. 

L. Schriver-Mazzuoli - Trans. Farad. Soc., 6, 607, 1989 

[40] - Infrared spectroscopie study of perfluoro-t-butyl a1cohol acetonitrile complex in solutions and 
various matrices. W.A.P. Luck, S. Peil, L. Schriver-Mazzuoli, A. Schriver - J. Mol. Struct., 224, 185-202, 1990 

[41] -Infrared photochemistry of weak and medium strength hydrogen bonded complexes involving HI 
as proton donor trapped in inert matrices. L. Schriver-Mazzuoli, A. Schriver, I.P. Perchard  - J. Mol. Struct., 222, 141-149, 1990 

[42] - Infrared spectroscopic and photochemical study of water ozone complexes in solid argon. L. Schriver-Mazzuoli, C. Barreau, A Schriver Chem. Phys., 140,429-438, 1990 

[43] - Infrared matrix isolation of the dimethylsulfoxide-hydrogen iodide molecular complex. AI. Bames, L. Schriver-Mazzuoli, A Schriver, I.P. Perchard - J. Mol. Struct., 240, 239-251, 1990 

[44] - Infrared photodissociation of hydrogen bonded complexes trapped in matrices. L. Schriver-Mazzuoli, J.P. Perchard, A Schriver, S. Racine - Proceeding of the interational symposium on optical and optoelectronic applied science and engineering 
San Diego USA, 1990 

[45] - IR studies of van der Waals interactions on perfluoro-t-butyl alcohol OH. Part II: Complexes 
with acetonitrile. W.A.P. Luck, S. Peil, L. Schriver-Mazzuoli, A. Schriver - J. Mol. Struct., 224, 185-202, 1990 

[46] - Hydrogen bonded complexes of PFTB alcohol with acetone and nitromethane in low temperature 
solutions and matrices. L. Schriver-Mazzuoli, A Schriver, S. Peil, O. Schrems  - Cano J. Chem., 69, 1520-1527, 1991 

[47] - Matrix isolation photolysis of S02, 03 and H20: evidence for the H20:S03 complex L. Schriver-Mazzuoli, D. Carrere, A. Schriver, K. Jaeger - Chem. Phys. Letters, 181,505-511, 1991 

[48] - Matrix reaction of oxygen atom with CBrC13 molecule. Identification of complexes between the 
phosgene with CI2 and ' Br2 O. Abdelaoui, L. Schriver-Mazzuoli, A. Schriver  - J. Mol. Struct., 268, 335-345, 1992 

[49] - Infrared matrix isolation study of the reaction between trichloromethane and oxygen atoms. 
L. Schriver-Mazzuoli, B. Gauthier-Roy, D. Carrere, A. Schriver, L. Abouaf-Marguin - Chem. Phys., 163,357-370, 1992 

[50] - Atmospheric cryochemistry: Oxygen atom reaction with the Fluorocarbon Freon 11 in Matrices. 
FTIR spectra of isolated COFCI and COFCI:C12 complex in solid argon. 

L. Schriver-Mazzuoli, O. Abdelaoui, A. Schriver - J Phys. Chem., 96,8069-8073, 1992 

[51] - An infrared study of the UV photolysis of chlorine nitrate trapped in various matrices at llK. 
A. de Saxce, L. Schriver-Mazzuoli - Chem. Phys. Letters, 199,596-604, 1992 


[52] - Infrared matrix isolation studies of the reactions of Dichloro and Dibromomethane with atomic 
oxygen. - C, Lugez, A. Schriver, E. Lasson, C.J. Nielsen, L. Schriver-Mazzuoli  - J. Phys. Chem., 97, 11617-11624, 1993 

[53] - Matrix reaction of ozone with CI2 and Br2. FTIR identification of BrClO and CIBrO species. 
L. Schriver-Mazzuoli, O. Abdelaoui, C. Lugez, A. Schriver - Chem. Phys. Letters, 214, 519-526, 1993 

[54] - Infrared induced conformational change in the two strong hydrogen bonded complexes 2-1 
between Dimethylether and hydrogen iodide in nitrogen matrix. A. Schriver, S. Racine, O. Schrems, L. Schriver-Mazzuoli 

Spectrochemica Acta, 50A, 287-295, 1994 

[55] - A matrix isolation infrared study of the reactions of methane and methanol with ozone. 
C. Lugez, A. Schriver, R. Levant, L. Schriver-Mazzuoli - Chem. Phys., 181, 129-146, 1994 

[56] - Matrix isolation investigation of the vibrational spectroscopy and photochemistry of complexes of 
HCI and HBr with nitric oxide. Ab initio study of the NO:HCI complex structure. A. de Saxce, A. Schriver, N. Sanna, L. Schriver-Mazzuoli - Chem. Phys., 185,365-383, 1994 

[57] - FT Infrared study of sulphur dioxide dimer. Part 1: Nitrogen matrix.  M. Wierzejewska-Hnat, A. Schriver, L. Schriver-Mazzuoli  -Chem. Phys., 183,117-126, 1994 

[58] - FT-ICR studies of the reaction of 0+ with methanol. 

Th. Schindler, C. Berg, G. Niedner-Schatteburg, V.E. Bondybey, C. Lugez, A. Schriver, L. Schriver- Mazzuoli

J. Phys. Chem., 98, 4316-4319,1994 

[59] - Ozone generation through photolysis of an oxygen matrix at Il K: Fourier Transform infrared spectroscopy identification of the 0 ... 03 complex and isotopic studies. - L. Schriver-Mazzuoli, A. de Saxce, C. Lugez, C. Camy-Peyret, A. Schriver 
1. Chem. Phys., 1OZ, 690-701, 1995 

[60] - Van der Waals complexes between COCl2 COFCl2, , and chlorine molecule. An infrared 

, matrix isolation and ab tnitio study. Y. Bouteiller, O. Abdelaoui, A. Schriver, L. Schriver-Mazzuoli  - J. Chem. Phys., 102, 1731-1739, 1995 

[61] - The 7.3 µm band of hydrogen peroxide: line positions and intensities. A. Perrin, J.M. Flaud, C. Camy-Peyret, L. Schriver-Mazzuoli, A. Schriver, Ph. Arcas  - J. Mol. Spectrosc., 171,358-373, 1995 

[62] - Infrared matrix isolation studies of Methane-Nitric Acid system.Z. Mielke, K.G. Tokhadze, M. Hulkewicz, L. Schriver-Mazzuoli, A. Schriver, F. Roux - J. Phys. Chem., 99, 10498-10505, 1995 


[63] - Fourier transform infrared study of suifur dioxide dimer. Part II: Argon matrix. 
L. Schriver-Mazzuoli, A. Schriver, M. Wierzejewska-Hnat, - Chem. Phys.,199, 227-243, 1995 

[64] - Fourier transform infrared study and ab initio calculations of CINO complex with HCL 
N. Sanna, L. Schriver-Mazzuoli, A. Hallou, A. de Saxce, A. Schriver - 1. Chem. Phys., 103, 6930-6940, 1995 

[65] - Vibrational spectra of the 16O/17O/18O substituted ozone molecule isolated in matrices. 
L. Schriver-Mazzuoli, A. Schriver, C. Lugez, A. Perrin, C. Carny-Peyret, J.M. Flaud - 1. Mol. Spectrosc., 176, 85-94, 1996 

[66] - Reactions of O (1D) atom with 1,1,1 trichloroethane in solid argon. 
V. Pettersen, L. Schriver-Mazzuoli, A. Schriver, P. Chaquin, E. Lasson - Chem. Phys., 204, 115-127, 1996 

[67] - Infrared spectrum and theoretical study of the dinitrogen pentoxide molecule (N2O5) in solid argon. 

L. Bencivenni, N. Sanna, L. Schriver-Mazzuoli, A. Schriver - 1. Chem. Phys., 104, 7836-7846, 1996 

[68] - Structures and properties of X2O, XYO (X, Y = CI, Br) molecule. DFP vs «classical » ab initio 
caiculations P. Chaquin, M. Bahou, A. Schriver, L. Schriver-Mazzuoli  - Chem. Phys. Letters, 256,609-615, 1996 

[69] - Infrared spectrum of 2-2-2 trichloroethanol isolated in gas matrices. Ab initia optimization of 
conformers and potential energy calculations. - V. Moulin, A. Schriver, L. Schriver-Mazzuoli, P. Chaquin 
Chem. Phys. Letters, 263, 423-428, 1996 

[70] -Structure and selective visible photodissociation of the 03:Br2 and 03:BrCl complexes an infrared 
matrix isolation and ab imtio study. M. Bahou, A. Schriver, L. Schriver-Mazzuoli, P. Chaquin 
J Chem. Phys.,216, 1 05-118, 1997 

[71] -Infrared spectra of the Nitric acid- Ethylene complex in solid Argon UV Irradiation effects 
Z. MieIke, L. Schriver-Mazzuoli, A. Schriver, - J. Phys. Chem.,101,45645680, 1997


[72] - Infrared matrix spectra of the N2 . O2 complex in solid nitrogen The N2 O ... Oz + O thermal 
diffusion limited reaction. M. Bahou, L. Schriver-Mazzuoli, C. Camy-Peyret, A. Schriver, T. Chiavassa, J. P. Aycard 

Chem. Phys. Letters, 265, 145-153, 1997 

[73] - Matrix infrared spectra and ab inito calculations of nitrosylchloride complex with water. 
A. Hallou, L. Schriver-Mazzuoli, A. Schriver, N. Sanna, A. Pieretti  - Asian Journal of Spectrosc., 1, 189-200, 1997 

[74] - Photolysis of ozone at 693 nm in solid oxygen. Increasing of the visible absorption coefficient in 
condensed phase M. Bahou, L. Schriver-Mazzuoli, C. Camy-Peyret, A Schriver  - Chem. Phys. Letters, 273, 31-36, 1997 

[75] - Photolysis at 266 nm of nitrosylchloride-water complex. Identification of the HONO ... HCI 
complex Matrix isolation infrared spectroscopie and ab initio studies. 

APieretti, N. Sanna, AHallou, L.Schriver-Mazzuoli, ASchriver - J. Mol. Struct.,447, 223-233, 1998 

[76] - Experimental and Theoretical Study of the XYO (X,Y=CI,Br) Light-induced interconversion in 
argon matrix. P. Chaquin, M.E Alikhani, M. Bahou, LSchriver-Mazzuoli, ASchriver  - J. Phys. Chem. A, 102,8222-8229, 1998 

[77] - New information on the ozone monomer photochemistry at 266nm in nitrogen matrix. 
M. Bahou, L. Schriver-Mazzuoli, C. Camy-Peyret, A Schriver - J. Chem. Phys., 108, 6884-6891, 1998 

[78] - Matrix photochemistry of nitrosyl chloride. Interconversion of CINO and CION species by 
irradiation and tunneling effect. A Hallou, L. Schriver-Mazzuoli, A Schriver, P. Chaquin 
Chem. Phys., 237, 251-264, 1998 

[79] - Infrared Spectrum of the Nitrosyl Chloride Monomer and Dimer in Solid Nitrogen: Temperature- 
Induced Mobility ofNitrosyl-Chloride. - L. Schriver-Mazzuoli, A Hallou, A Schriver. 
1. Phys. Chem., 102, 9772-9778, 1998 

[80] - Chemical and Optical Properties of Molecular Complexes Using Matrix Isolation Spectroscopy. 
L. Schriver- Mazzuoli - Molecular Complexes in the Terrestrial Planetary and Cometary Atmospheres. World Scientific 194- 
237-, 1998. 

[8 I] - Matrix Infrared Study of O-Initiated Atomic Oxidation of CH3CI: Identification of the Triplet 
CH3Cl  .O Complex. L. Schriver-Mazzuoli, A Schriver, y. Hannachi. - J. Phys. Chem. A, 102, 10221-1029, 1998 

[82] - Photolysis at 266 nm of argon matrix isolated Ozone Monomer. M. Bahou, L. Schriver-Mazzuoli, A Schriver. 

J. Chem. Phys., 110, 8636-8642, 1999 

[83] - Infrared spectra of matrix isolated [OC ... X21 and [CO .. .x21 complexes (X= CI, Br) and ab initio 
calculations . A. Schriver, L. Schriver-Mazzuoli, P. Chaquin, M. Bahou.  - J. Phys. Chem. A., 103,2624-2631, 1999


(84] - Matrix Isolation Spectra of Carbon Dioxide Monomer and Dimer Revisited. 
A. Schriver, L. Schriver-Mazzuoli, A. Vigassin  - Vibrational Spectroscopy, 23, 83-94,2000 

[85] - An Essay to Systematise Vibrational Shifts in CO2 Monomers and Dimers Trapped in Various 
Matrices. A. A. Vigassin, L. Schriver-Mazzuoli and A.Schriver - 1. Phys. Chem. A, 104,5451-5456,2000 

[86] - Conversion of S02 and 03 mixtures isolated in argon matrices. Isotopic effects. 
H. Chaabouni, L. Schriver-Mazzuoli, A. Schriver. - 1. Phys. Chem. A, 104,3498-3507,2000 

[87] - Infrared Spectroscopy of Neat Solid Ozone and That of Ozone in Interaction with Amorphous 
and Crystalline Water Ice. H. Chaabouni, L. Schriver-Mazzuoli, A. Schriver. - 1. Phys. Chem. A, 104,6962-6969,2000 

[88] - FTIR studies of annealing processes and irradiation effects at 266 nm in ozone-amorphous ice 
mixtures. H. Chaabouni, L. Schriver-Mazzuoli, A. Schriver.  - Low Temperature Physics, 26, 963-971, 2000 

[89] - IR reflection-absorption spectra of thin water ice films between 10 and 160 K at low pressure. 
L. Schriver-Mazzuoli, A. Schriver, A. Hallou. - 1. MoL Struct. 554, 289-300, 2000 

[90] -Infrared spectroscopy and photochemistry at 266 nm of the ozone dimer trapped in an argon 
matrix. M. Bahou, L. Schriver-Mazzuoli, A. Schriver. - 1. Chem. Phys. A, 114,4045-4052,2001 

[91 - Ozone Photochemistry in the condensed phase L. Schriver-Mazzuoli. - Phys. Chem. Earth (c),26, 495-503, 2001 

[92] - Dynamics of sorne new molecular reactions in Matrices. L. Schriver-Mazzuoli. 

Recent Research Developments in Chemical Physics, volume 2, 2001, 169-179 

[93] - Infrared matrix isolation spectroscopy of products formed by discharging of SF6 diluted in 
nitrogen, oxygen and oxygen/nitrogen.gas -mixtures. A. Schriver, L. Schriver-Mazzuoli, '..                   - 

Asian Journal of Spectroscopy, 5, 1-10,2001 

[94] - Matrix infrared spectroscopie studies of the photo-dissociation at 266 nm of CIN02 and of 

CIONO.  J.M. Coanga, L. Schriver-Mazzuoli, A. Schriver, - Chem. Physics, 276, 309-320, 2002 


[95] -Infrared spectra of (CH3)2 O and (CH3)2O + H20 between 30-170 K L; Schriver-Mazzuoli, J.M. Coanga, A. Schriver, P. Ehrenfreund - Vibrational Spectroscopy, 30, 245-257, 2002 


[96] - Infrared Spectra of S02 and S02:H20 ices at low temperatureLL Schriver-Mazzuoli, H. Chaabouni, A. Schriver 

J. Moleeular Struct., 644, 151,2003 

[97] - Infrared Spectroscopy of solid nitryl chloride and nitryl chloride trapped in ice. Temperature 
effects from 30 K and 170 K. Irradiation effects at 266 nm. L. Schriver-Mazzuoli, J.M. Coanga, A. Schriver 

J. Phys. Chem, sous presse 

[98] - Photo-oxidation of S02 and of S02 trapped in amorphous water ice studied by IR spectroscopy. 
Implications for Jupiter's satellite's Europa . L. Schriver-Mazzuoli, A. Schriver, H. Chaabouni 
Can.Journal of Physics, 81,301-309 (2003) 


(99)- Vibrationnal Spectra and 266 nm Photochemistry of ClNO2Thin Films and ClNO2in Amorphous Water Ice.

L.Schriver-Mazzuoli*, A.Schriver, J.M. Coanga, and M. Steers J. Phys ?Chem A 2003,107,5181-5188

(100) Systematic trends in the vibrational frequency shifts of some molecules trapped in amorphous water ice

A.A Vigasin, L. Scriver-Mazzuoli*, A. Schriver - Journal of Moleular Structure 658,(2003) 101-113 


(101) FTIR studies of ultraviolet photo-dissociation at 10K of dimethyl-ether in argon and nitrogen matrices in the solid phase and in amorphous water ice. A.Schriver, J.M. Coanga, L.Schriver-Mazzuoli*, P. Ehrenfreund

Chemical Physics Letters 386 (2004) 377-383


(102) Vibrational spectra and UV photochemistry of (CH2)2O thin films and (CH2)2O in amorphous water ice.

A.Schriver, J.M Coanga, L.Schriver-Mazzuoli*, P. Ehrenfreund - Chemical Physics 303 (2004) 13-25


(103) INDOOR AIR POLLUTION IN OLD PEOPLE’s homes related to some health problems :a survey study

Indoor air 2005, 15, 267-274


(104) Indoor Air Effects on Health in Dwellings Occupied all Daylong by Elderly - Indoor Air, 2006


(105) Astrochemistry of dimethyl ether

Z. Peeters, S.D Rodgers, S.B. Charnley, L. Schriver-Mazzuoli, A. Schriver, J.V. Keane and P. Ehrenfreund

Astronomy, Astrophysics, 445, 197-204 (2006)


(106) Complexe CO2/H2O  2007 


(107) One possible origin of ethanol in interstellar medium. Photochemistry of CO2-C2H6films at 11K

A.Schriver, L.Schriver-Mazzuoli, P.Ehrenfreund, L.d’Henecourt - Chem.Phys, volume 334, 1-3, 2007, 128-137


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